Wednesday, December 14, 2016

An shocking video of nepali community

A visit to a ghetto on the outskirts of Chainpur is enough to realize that that the condition of the Badi community remains all-too- real, all-too-tragic.A staggering 83 members of 14 families of a single Badi community are crammed inside a three-room thatched mud hut in the locality.“We have neither land nor proper house to live in. All of us are languishing under this hut,” said Tak Badi, an elder member of the community. He added that they have to rush to the sheds of houses in the neighborhood to seek shelter in case of rain, and spend their days in the yards of the nearby people of Damai or the so-called ´

untouchable´ Dalit community.All this years after the government decided to ´emancipate´ women from the Badi community, and millions of bucks NGOs pledged for their uplift. No wonder more and more women from this community who were traditionally forced into prostitution are now readopting the oldest occupation under compulsion. With the state simply abandoning this landless, unskilled, marginalized community after declaring their freedom, and the NGOs more interested in minting money in their names, they hardly stood a chance for a better future from day one.

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