Saturday, December 17, 2016

The sad news came for the government employees, the government is doing this to prepare

Government employee pension preparing to

KATHMANDU, Dec 2 increase in the average age of the Nepalese economy and government employees can not thegrnai increase in annual salary pension burden has been increasing in the kingdom.

At a time when a large part of the economy, a retired government employee salary costs should be employee pension obligations, increased development expenditure had to be a big part of the pension inordinate.

Retired civil servants, military, police, teachers should pension liability has been seen four-year period, twice. The average age also increased due to increased pension Nepali avadhisamedha Kingdom has been steadily increasing economic weight.
Finance, Budget Management Division Chief Marasini Nepali average age and annual pay rise due to the kingdom pensanabhara unsanitary too has increased, yearly salary increase, and the average lived because of the kingdom of the pension burden on has been, 'Marasini citizen said, "soon it vikalna find if we some amdanijati years, the country's salary and status pensanamai may need to spend. "
Rs 37 billion in the fiscal year, the pension liability is the point of this year's revenue almost 7 to 45 per cent. 36 per cent of the total budget 5 decimals.
daily citizen
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