Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Indian plan kunacahi Nepalese leader is being k!lled, it seemed dangerous signal!

Kathamandu to be Nepali political environment is very fluid situation. When any of the political environment in the country is passing through a transitional period when the country has intensified its activities in countries outside power as it increased.
While the implementation phase of the new constitution the country is a kind of liquid and be naturally infected. Activity is also increasing in neighboring countries as thick.
Nepal's political parties, political leaders, and overall a bad child tired of Nepal with India seems especially. Indian direct-indirect intervention in recent years has continued to Nepal if direct intervention is felt. This relationship between the now-Nepal, including a new debate has begun to doubt the siege dragged. India Nepalese leaders to take more collisions

India has come out saying the plan could pose threats, including some leaders of the signs tyatatarpha also urged to pay special attention and caution are some days (on Friday), a program organized by Rafat Sanchar Club, Bhaktapur, Nepal Workers and Peasants Party chairman Narayan Man Bijukchhe usury, Nepal, India, when the leaders accepted to be killed. President Bijukchhe to be Indian influence in Nepal, the government has already started to change the game and everyone who hit India leader to be killed, he even referred to.

He said, "While the leaders of Nepal, India can kill, the massacres in the past, Nepal has also confirmed it. 'Leader Bijukchhe their appropriate plan does not work when the leaders of India also referred to the murder of the context of this kind of cycles in India, including the strong criticism. India's Ambassador to Nepal Ranjit challenging his movements, he expressed doubts as soon as he said that, perhaps even back to India.

Therefore, India has raised doubts about the basis!
Nepal and India relations are very old relationship. Political, economic, social and cultural relations with India, Nepal, India indirectly connected as close as those of their colonial destination for analysts say. Thus, the Indian rulers of Nepal's leaders to keep the violence directly or indirectly from its debate over a hundred years, Nepal monarchy has tried to keep the shape, including diplomatic sync their Indian sattadhariharule get bad history.
Not only in Nepal, India, cases of great destructive carnage is likely connected to a base of the building, but Nepal was able to confirm this regard.
Yatisammaki Nepal government official intelligence agency has also not seem to manage. While India to be powerful intelligence agency 'RAW' in Kathmandu is very powerful with his work and activities of breeding before.

Janakaraharu say, 'the Indian intelligence agency' RAW ', until in Kathmandu remains as powerful, as long as India remains vulnerable to a crash that everyone Nepalese life and the future, for the' RAW 'in Kathmandu much stronger networks is crucial. "
India's expansionist mission itihasadekhinai caritrasamga is connected. Sikkim and Bhutan connected to the events of history confirms it. Therefore, the shape of their leader and someone to come in India to take his own character has custom changes if the collision lineharuviruddha hard act to be his strategy.
The political history of the great massacre, including the name of the Indian intelligence joined to the base of an incumbent, also confirms the abundance janakaraharu says.
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